1 | A Secure and Efficient Data acquisition method for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks Ahmed Abbas Jasim Al-Hchaimi, Dr. A.Govardhan | IJRCSE/V4/3-701 |  |
2 | Enhanced Energy-efficient Mobile data gathering mechanism in WSN Kamelia Saremipour, Sri K. Suresh babu | IJRCSE/V4/3-702 |  |
3 | Interactive Mobile Streaming For Multimedia By Using Cloud Computing K.Santhoshi, Y.Rohitha | IJRCSE/V4/3-703 |  |
4 | Safety Message broadcasting and Improving the Performance of Vehicular Ad hoc Networks in City Environment Zaid Sadeq Khalaf Al Fuhami, Dr.A. Govardhan | IJRCSE/V4/3-704 |  |
5 | Efficient Development Of Wsn Networks And Their Security Issues Komali Puppala, Kanthety Sundeep Saradhi | IJRCSE/V4/3-705 |  |
6 | Effective Usage Of Medinet In Hospitals To Increase The Security In Databases ChaitanyaSravanthi Vaddi, A.Satish kumar | IJRCSE/V4/3-706 |  |
7 | A Navel Approach for Privacy Preserving in Online Social Network
Nagulla Srilekha, Ravi Viraja | IJRCSE/V4/3-707 |  |
8 | Mining Sentence Wise Text by fuzzy relational clustering methods
Srinadh Unnava, Veldhi RamAnilKumar, Subhash Bhagavan K
| IJRCSE/V4/3-708 |  |
9 | Effective Usage Of Randomized Multicast Distributes Node Location In Wireless Sensor Networks (Wsn) Ch.Divya Sri, P.Sunitha | IJRCSE/V4/3-709 |  |
10 | A Novel Approach to Aggregation of Intrusion Alerts with Data stream Modeling S.Lakshmi Prasanna, G.Sridevi | IJRCSE/V4/3-710 |  |
11 | Valuable Consumption Of Neighbor Coverage-Based Algorithm In Manets K. Venu Gopalarao, Md. Sirajuddin | IJRCSE/V4/3-711 |  |
12 | Packet Secret Methods for Stopping Jamming Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks K.Anitha, D.Kumar, P.Pedda Sadhu Naik | IJRCSE/V4/3-712 |  |
13 | Security Considerations over Social Network Data Using Grouping Methods D N V Sri Lakshmi , A V S Siva Rama Rao, M Anantha Lakshmi | IJRCSE/V4/3-713 |  |
14 | Dynamic Data Distribution in MANETS Using ODMRP Protocol S.Joykumar, Dr A.Yesu babu | IJRCSE/V4/3-714 |  |
15 | Target chase and Mobile sensing element Navigation in Wireless Sensing element Networks P.Srinivas, Dr.P.Bala Krishna Prasad, G.Guru Kesava Das | IJRCSE/V4/3-715 |  |
16 | Research on the web connectivity regarding IPv6 to be able to IPv4 Areas and its particular Safety Problems Konda. Hari Krishna | IJRCSE/V4/3-716 |  |
17 | Discovering Optimum Performance Factors of Query Processing In Cloud Using Genetic Algorithm G SRINIVASARAO, K CHINA BUSI | IJRCSE/V4/3-717 |  |
18 | Double Guard: Detecting Intrusions in Multitier Web Applications P Sravanthi , Ravi Mathey | IJRCSE/V4/3-718 |  |
19 | Dynamic Query Generation with Android Kondapalli Ravikumar, S Srinivas | IJRCSE/V4/3-719 |  |
20 | Multiple Services Using Single Control Process in Ontology System Kishore Yella, S Srinivas | IJRCSE/V4/3-720 |  |
21 | Recognizing Facial Expression to Spontaneous Behavior by Machine Learning Techniques M Ashok Kumar, Dr.R.R.Tewari | IJRCSE/V4/3-723 |  |